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Here is the secret that has to do with the food we eat. 

Don’t worry, I’m not going to start lecturing you on eating a vegetarian diet. 

In fact, even if you did, chances are you would still be missing out on secret number two.  What I discovered is that the experts who warned us that our food is lacking in important minerals, because the soils are mineral deficient, and this causes us to be mineral deficient, only had part of the puzzle.  Yes, they were right about mineral deficiencies and the link to health problems.  But they came up with the wrong solution to the problem. They have been telling us that because of this problem, we need to be supplementing with tablets and capsules of minerals.

They couldn’t have been more wrong.  The missing piece of the puzzle is… can’t bypass the plant.  Let me explain.  Plants are factories.  How else can you explain a red tomato coming from a green plant?  They manufacture fruits and vegetables that we eat to stay alive and hopefully healthy.  The plants need minerals in the soil in order to manufacture the vital nutrients that are found in the fruits and vegetables they produce.  In other words, there is a direct correlation between mineral deficiencies in the soil and nutrient deficiencies in the fruits and vegetables.  I’m talking about vitamins, proteins, enzymes, and something you probably never even heard of……organic complexes and they are secret number two.

Organic complexes contain the “building blocks” for the plant to manufacture nutrients.  They are also what our bodies use to do a little manufacturing of their own.  That’s right, your body is an amazing factory also.  It can make proteins, enzymes, hormones, and some vitamins. You don’t need to get all of your nutrients from your food, because your body is quite capable of making some of them entirely on its own.  That is, if it gets a good supply of organic complexes and the much needed building blocks.

 Look at it this way, a recent report I read, indicated that because of mineral deficiencies in the soil, due to chemical farming, you have to eat more food to get the same amount of nutrients contained in food grown just a few decades ago.  Here’s an example: you would have to eat 6 peaches today in order to equal the nutrients found in just 1 peach grown 40 years ago.  Go back another 40 years and you would have to eat 12 peaches today to equal just 1 peach back then.  Are you starting to get the picture?

It doesn’t matter if you switch to eating vegetarian.  You can’t possibly eat enough fruits and vegetables to get all the nutrients you need.  What about organic, isn’t it more nutritious?  Surprise!  Organic simply means grown without chemicals and that doesn’t guarantee it was grown in mineral rich soil, or that it has more nutrients.  In fact, testing shows that most organic produce is just as nutrient deficient as what you typically find in grocery stores.

Consider this as well.  Are you starting to see why we have an obesity epidemic?  Seems pretty obvious now doesn’t it?  We’re eating more food because our bodies are telling us that they need more nutrients.  If you could get enough nutrients, your body would start telling you it’s had enough, long before you ate too much.

Somehow you’ve got to get some organic complexes in your diet…..but how?  I am going to tell you about the very best source you can get anywhere on the planet and they are in a liquid form, with virtually no taste.  Just a few droppers every day in some water is all you need.  You’ll be amazed at the increase in energy, improved digestion, and reduction in aches/pains you’ll experience.

The product I recommend is called Ionyte.  Now you might think I’m a little biased, since I’m actually the inventor.  It was developed as the result of my work with AquaLyte mineral sachets and exhaustive nutritional research, including the science of plants and soil.  I knew AquaLyte was the world’s best source of minerals, but we also need organic complexes.  So, I developed a propriety process to combine the two.  Ionyte not only has a complete source of the world’s best minerals, it also has the world’s best source of organic complexes.

So there you have it.  Two lost secrets that could change your life.  Secret number one will change the ordinary water you already drink, into healthy water.  Since your body is 70% water, just think about the difference it would make to exchange your body’s existing water for better water.  Remember, it’s literally the “Secret of the World’s Oldest Man.”  

Secret number two is going to help make up for what’s missing in your diet.  Remember, our food supply isn’t what it was when our grandparents were growing up, thanks to chemical farming.  It’s no wonder we’re seeing such an increase in disease.  But, you don’t have to be a victim, if you make the right supplement choices. Ionyte is the foundation of any serious health program. Ionyte has already helped thousands of people and it can help you too.

Bentley's Recovery Miracle

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